What drives Auctority?
Make an impact. This is what it is all about when somebody wants to change something, takes the lead and tries to win over others to follow her or him.
Leadership in today’s world (and even more so in tomorrow’s) is not just a matter of power and status. It is about commanding trust and thus becoming relevant, becoming an authority that offers orientation, creates understanding and provides reassurance.
It is all about an authority that is based on deeper knowledge, proven skills, relevant experience and promising ideas.
What does Auctority do?
We provide Strategic Leadership Support.
We work with people, businesses and organisations – both on a one-on-one basis and with groups. We work conceptually and accompany our clients during the implementation stage as well. We help to create impact: in organisations, in the marketplace and in the public sphere.

Who is Auctority?
Randolf Jessl and Andreas Scheuermann have assembled a team of experts in various fields. Their goal is to provide people and organisations with a new approach to leadership that prioritises effectiveness. They are specialists who think strategically, work systematically and act in a results-oriented manner. They are experts who have all proven in their fields that they can make a difference.
Find out more in the section About us.
Who does Auctority advise?
We support entrepreneurs and companies. We work with business managers and their workforces. We support experts from academia and from the world of consultancy. We can point to successful and trend-setting projects that we carried out together with individuals, companies and organisations. These include Allianz, Germany’s Federal Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs, BKK Federation, Charta der Vielfalt, ddn – Das Demografie Netzwerk, EY Germany, Haufe Group and Siemens.
In Latin, “auctor” means originator, creator, founder, voice leader, role model. In English, an authority is a person or institution that one follows. We have combined both in the artistic term “Auctority”. It describes how we support our clients.
You can find out more about authority in communication, marketing and leadership in the Knowledge section of this website.